(8) gray men's shirt: clothing swap/ (16) gray v-neck top: american apparel/ (22) skinny jeans: clothing swap/ (30) yellow rubber boots: sears/
straw-look fedora: unknown/ red heart pin: valentines present/
one of my lovely classmates brought these pins in that her mom made and gave them to everyone in our class. it was cute how we were all walking around with little hearts for valentines. our school is a place filled with love, for the most part, so it seems fitting that we craft nerds would be walking around with little homemade hearts on our clothes.
we have critiques this monday, which is much like midterms, except you have to collect everything you have done in class and for homework so far during this term in EVERY class and organize it into binders so that the teachers can see you have completed all of the work. you bring it all in, usually i have like five bags hanging off me, at whatever time your critique is. mine is at 3:20, the third last option, and the latest available option when i made my way to the list.
nothing we do is ever that hard. it is too much fun to be hard. the hard part is keeping yourself focused for the long periods of time that everything takes. knitting one sample takes six hours! or more.
i might just sleep at my school friday night. we are allowed to, if we wish. and that might be what it takes for me to get everything finished.
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